Tuesday, 15 May 2012

organ donation

this is usually a touchy subject for quite a few people. i for one, support organ donation and would like to heavily encourage others to do the same. many people can benefit from organ transplants and it can save up to eight lives. i feel that everyone who is eligible and able to do so should definitely donate their organs after death. if someone happened to pass away before they were able to consider or register for organ donation, the family should, in my eyes, let doctors and others in need of their organs benefit from this. 
i understand death is a hard thing to deal with and a lot of people would not like to be bothered by the government and other organisations over body parts and whom they should go to after death; however, saving a life feels great even in sad situations as the passing of a loved one. 
i, myself am an organ donor and i also plan to give blood as soon as i am able to do so. i believe in humanity and the best life for everyone. when i decided to become a donor, i felt i was contributing to life and something greater than myself. i felt i was doing what was intended for for humans to do - help each other...and you should too :)

Saturday, 5 May 2012

i dont usually do this but...

this personality test has sparked my interest. a few things that were mentioned i already knew about myself; however, it brought certain traits of myself to my attention which explained aspects of me

for those out there who know nothing about me, here is a link to figure it out:

<script src="http://personaldna.com/t/?k=EHPmHEDeVkmRfWa-BF-CAAAA-3d5f&t=Concerned+Dreamer">